The team here at Superior Senior Home Care is always here to answer questions and help you and your family navigate the rough terrain of aging gracefully.
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Hiring in-home care for my neighbor, Joe, was quite an ordeal. The company we chose and their caregivers were great, but the quality of care wasn’t the issue. The problem was that Joe resented anyone but me helping him.
He locked one caregiver out of his home, let another in but was rude to her, and thoroughly enjoyed one young man, but only because they could discuss golf together.
Families hire home care to provide respite and quality care for seniors, but what is a caregiver to do when their loved one refuses to cooperate with this new addition to their care plan?
Fear of Outside Caregivers
Many times in-home caregivers’ best efforts are met with anger or even abuse dished out by the elder they are intended to care for. It is crucial for the family and hired caregiver to determine the underlying reason for a senior’s lack of cooperation and find ways to remedy the situation.
I believe that fear is the foundation of much of a senior’s reluctance and even disrespect for non-family caregivers. The presence of an outsider may suggest to them that their family can’t (or doesn’t want to) take care of their needs. It also magnifies the extent of the elder’s care needs, making them feel especially vulnerable. This combination of concerns can create the perfect storm, especially if they are prone to lashing out when angry. Of course, the family members who arrange these services get an earful, but the professional caregiver becomes the primary target for sending the message that outside help is neither wanted nor needed.
Fearing a Loss of Independence
People of all ages dread the idea of losing their independence, but many seniors are living this reality and trying to come to terms with it. Aging is hardly a graceful process, so who can blame our elders for digging their heels in?
If a senior is still of sound mind, emphasize that home care enables them to continue living safely in their own home. This in itself is an overarching symbol of independence. The right caregiver will pick up on this strong desire to be self-sufficient and provide assistance in ways that allow the senior to retain as much control as possible.
Read More: Increase Senior Independence With This Fall Risk Checklist
Fear of Strangers
Trust issues can also trigger anxiety in some seniors and their family members. Inviting a professional caregiver into the home to care for someone you love is a very personal decision. The best way to alleviate worries about a new caregiver’s character and trustworthiness is for the family to take an active role in the hiring process. If the senior is capable, they should participate as well. Again, a sense of involvement and the ability to have a say in these decisions can reduce apprehension.
Adapting to in-home care is much smoother when the family is confident in the hire. Know what to look for in a provider and interview caregivers before services begin to determine a good match. With this approach, if something seems off, you have the opportunity to correct your decision before it actually becomes a problem.
Dementia Contributes to Fear
It can be challenging to encourage a mentally healthy senior to accept outside help, but Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia can make this process even more complex.
Depending on the progression of the condition, a senior may not be able to fully participate in the hiring process. Nonetheless, introducing potential caregivers beforehand to see how both parties get along is still a valuable step. Dementia patients’ moods and capabilities fluctuate from day to day, though, so keep this in mind when trying to help a loved one to warm up to someone new.
Paranoia, hallucinations and delusions are common symptoms that a dementia caregiver should know how to handle. Look for someone who is trained in this kind of care and knows how to communicate with and calm their clients. Having a family member present during the first few shifts while everyone gets to know each other can reassure a senior that they are safe and in good company.
Some dementia drugs and psychiatric medications currently in a senior’s regimen could contribute to outbursts and negative reactions. If your loved one is unusually agitated and fearful, talk to their doctor about adjusting medications. While drugs should not be a go-to solution, behavioral symptoms may be managed through a combination of modifying prescriptions and altering the caregiving environment.
A senior with dementia may not ever be comfortable with a particular caregiver, even though the aide is making a considerable effort to do everything right. Regardless of the reason, some matches just do not take, and the care team may have to simply request another caregiver.
Read More: Learn about our Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Service
Overcoming Resistance
You know your loved one best, so do whatever you can to help make them more comfortable with this new arrangement. Assure them that you are still their primary caregiver, but explain that you need help. Emphasize that the professional caregiver is there to assist both of you and that you are closely monitoring the process and their wellbeing.
Communicate openly with the caregiver and the home care company about any challenges you experience. Understanding the source of the senior’s resistance will help you cope with this problem, and a care team meeting may be instrumental in brainstorming solutions together.
Superior Senior Home Care offers a complimentary consultation with an advisor to help you determine your loved one’s home care needs. To schedule your free consultation, call 805.430.8767 or contact us online.